If you’ve been involved in Scouting for even a short while, I’m sure you’ve heard people in your troop mention winter camps! Wondering what’s involved with these neat outings and how you...
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Cooking is a fun Eagle-required merit badge that’ll teach you skills to safely prepare a meal in any location. You’ll also learn about proper nutrition, food storage, as well as different...
Sustainability is an Eagle-required merit badge that’ll teach you the incredibly important skill of conserving our planet's resources! In answering each of the requirements, you'll learn how...
How To Write An Eagle Scout Statement of Ambition & Life Purpose
Before you can begin Eagle Scout rank requirement 7 and hold your final board of review, you’ll be tasked with writing a comprehensive essay that discusses your long-term goals and values....
Backpacking is a challenging but rewarding activity that every Scout should try at least once. If you're trying to learn this awesome skill and earn your Backpacking merit badge, this guide will...
Lion is the first rank in Cub Scouts. In order to join Cub Scouting as a Lion, a child must either be in kindergarten or at least five years old. Through the adventures in earning Lion rank, a...