Community service has been a central pillar of Scouting since its very beginning, and is highlighted by the Scout Slogan, “Do a good turn daily.” Every Scout needs to take part in, and even...
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What Is Scouting? Scouts BSA Explained by 39 Scouts and Scouters
There are many things that all Scouts have in common, like being prepared, merit badges, service projects, campouts, and fun adventures with their troops.” Yet, every Scouting experience is...
Fun Cub Scout Games: 11 Epic Indoor and Outdoor Pack Activities
Games are one of the best ways that Cub Scouts have fun and build relationships, whether indoors or outdoors! In the Cub Scouting world, boys and girls alike learn many useful life skills and...
Fewer than 0.3% of American teenagers become Eagle Scouts and, if you're the parent of a Scout, you'll want your child to be one of them. Scouting teaches reliance on other Scouts and...
Navigating through unfamiliar terrain with just a trusty compass and map is a crucial skill for every Scout to have. By diving into the Orienteering Merit Badge, you'll be equipped with the...
50+ Riddles For Scouts (Plus Knock-Knock Jokes & Brain Teasers)
Whether you're around the campfire, hiking, or just hanging out, brain-teasing riddles and funny knock-knock jokes can make every Scouting moment more memorable. Plus, being able to cheer up...