Scouting and singing go together hand in hand like Eagle Scouts and merit badges. Whether it’s tunes around a campfire or cadences on a 10-mile trek, Scout songs are a fun way to pass the time as a troop, build comradery, and increase cheer.
Do you know any awesome Scout songs to sing at your next camp? You will! There are a ton of songs associated with Scouting, such as repeat-after-me’s, funny tunes, cheers of increasing loudness, and more! Soon, we’ll be sharing our favorites with you — with video demonstrations!
PS. This article is a collaboration between Eagle Scouts, Chandler M, and Cole 🙂
In this article, we’ll be teaching you 7 of our all-time favorite Scouting songs, plus an awesome bonus tune that might come in handy! Suitable for a variety of occasions, these Scout songs will help you and your troop to have an even better time at your next campfire ceremony or Jamboree!
Plus, each of these songs are great earworms, so you’ll probably have a pretty easy time remembering their lyrics, unlike a lot of longer songs out there. We’ve been out of Scouting for a few years now and can still recite a few favorites! So, get ready to learn some epic Scouting songs!
The Importance Of Scout Songs
As I said earlier, singing has always been a huge part of Scouting. When Scouting first began in the United Kingdom, an early songbook called The Hackney Scout Song Book was printed in 1921 to spread songs to troops. Now, the BSA makes its own songbook! (consider getting a few used copies for your troop, they’re just $2) 😀
While most of the songs mentioned in both songbooks are just for campfire fun, Scouts can also commonly showcase their musical talents during religious services. The songs we’ll be sharing are on the funnier side and make great Scout campfire skits, but our bonus song also works for serious events.
Alright! Time to dive into some of the best Scouting songs out there. Some of these may be old favorites, while others might be new to you and your troop. Maybe, after reading you’ll have a few new favorites to share with your Scout buddies! Hope you enjoy. 🙂
The 7 Best BSA Scout Camp Songs
A Song That Gets on Everybody’s Nerves
If you’re trying to get a laugh on an outing, A Song That Gets on Everybody’s Nerves is easily one of the best tunes to start singing. This song is a Scouting classic that’s always a fun way to boost morale if everyone chimes in, or to slightly annoy your fellow Scouts and leaders!
Be careful with this song though. Teaching it to other Scouts may backfire and get on your nerves! 😛 Here are the lyrics:
I Know A Song That Gets On Everybody’s Nerves – Camp Song Lyrics
- I know a song that gets on everybody’s nerves,
- Everybody’s nerves,
- Yes, on everybody’s nerves.
- I know a song that gets on everybody’s nerves
- And this is how it goes…
This song “gets on everybody’s nerves” because you keep repeating the same lyrics over and over and over. In theory, you can sing forever, or at least until everyone gets sick of it. That’s why, A Song That Gets on Everybody’s Nerves has been a long-time favorite of Scouting jokesters across our nation!
If I Were Not A Boy (BSA/Girl) Scout
This is definitely one of the older Scout songs, written long before Scouting opened its doors to girls. However, if you’re in an all-girl troop, it’s pretty easy to adjust the lyrics to be more inclusive by saying “BSA” or “Girl” Scout.
This was one of my troop’s all-time favorite tunes! We used this song to make jokes about our Scout leaders with lyrics like “If I were not a Boy Scout, a Scout Master I would be” and make snoring noises. There are plenty of other ways you can spin this song to get a laugh!
This song is all about improvisation. When singing If I Were Not A Boy Scout, the goal is to add something that you would be instead of being a Scout and then mimic it for the crowd. For instance, you could say you’d be an astronaut, and then you could pretend to walk on the moon.
If I Were Not A Boy Scout – Camp Song Lyrics
- Everyone: If I were not a Boy Scout, I’ll tell you what I would be, If I were not a Boy Scout, I’ll tell you what I would be…
- Scout giving call (switch off): If I were not a Boy Scout, (some profession) I’d rather be! (3 things relating to the profession: 2 syllables, 2 syllables, 5 syllables) Below are some examples:
- A Scoutmaster I Would Be
Do this, do that, I think I’ll take a nap! - A teacher I would be
Sit down, shut up, throw away your gum! - A politician I would be
Raise the taxes, lower the pay, vote for me on election day! - A Statue I Would Be
(Freeze for the rest of the song) - Lawyer
Guilty, Innocent, I don’t really care! - A garbage collector I’d be
Lift it, dump it, pick out the good stuff!
- A Scoutmaster I Would Be
The video below is an excellent example of the “If I Were Not A Boy Scout” song being performed as a skit. Once you get good at performing this song, I’d highly encourage you to come up with your own verses and motions. Making inside jokes and improvising is how you’ll take this song from funny to hilarious!
For more ideas of things you’d be if you weren’t a Scout, check out this post by scoutsongs.com. In it, you’ll find over 20 great ideas for song lyrics you could try out! 😀
Threw It Out the Window
Threw It Out the Window is a fun take on some old nursery rhymes you may remember. This song essentially takes old nursery rhymes and then… “throws them out the window!” Once you read the lyrics, you’ll understand what I mean.
Threw It Out The Window – Camp Song Lyrics
- Mary had a little lamb,
- Its fleece was white as snow.
- And everywhere that Mary went,
- She threw it out the window!
- The window, the second-story window!
- And everywhere that Mary went
- She threw it out the window!
- Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard
- To fetch her poor dog a bone.
- When she got there the cupboard was bare,
- So she threw it out the window!
- The window, the second-story window!
- But when she got there, the cupboard was bare,
- She threw it out the window!
- The grand old Duke of York,
- He had ten thousand men,
- He marched them up to the top of the hill,
- And he threw them out the window!
- The window, the second-story window!
- He marched them up to the top of the hill,
- And he threw them out the window!
- Yankee Doodle came to town
- A-riding on a pony
- He stuck a feather in his hat
- And he threw it out the window!
- The window, the second-story window!
- He stuck a feather in his hat,
- And he threw it out the window!
- Simple Simon met a pie man
- going to the fair,
- Said Simple Simon to the Pie Man,
- Throw me out the window.
- The window, The second-story window,
- Said Simple Simon to the Pie Man, Throw me out the window.
- Mary Mary quite contrary
- how does your garden grow,
- with silver bells and cockle shells,
- so throw them out the window.
- The window, The second-story window,
- With silver bells and cockle shells, so throw them out the window.
- Jack and Jill went up the hill
- to fetch a pail of water,
- Jack fell down and broke his crown,
- and he threw it out the window.
- The window, The second-story window,
- Jack fell down and broke his crown, and he threw it out the window.
- Little Jack Horner sat in the corner,
- eating his Christmas pie,
- he stuck in a thumb and he pulled out a plum,
- and he threw it out the window.
- The window, The second-story window,
- He stuck in his thumb and he pulled out a plum,
- and he threw it out the window.
- Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
- Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
- All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
- threw him out the window.
- The window, The second-story window,
- All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
- Threw him out the window.
Threw It Out the Window is definitely one of the goofier songs on this list, which will likely make it a hit in your troop! Pull this song out at a campfire and you’ll surely get some laughs from fellow Scouts. Also, feel free to improvise or add new sections. Practically any nursery rhyme can be adapted to fit into this song!
Little Red Wagon
Little Red Wagon is an especially great song if you’re looking for something to sing during a skit night. This song is timeless and many of your leaders will likely remember singing it and maybe even join in. This song is also perfect for long hikes or periods when your patrol is waiting around and just needs to kill a bit of time.
The gimmick of this song is that you get louder and louder every time you repeat the verse:
Little Red Wagon – Camp Song Lyrics
- You can’t ride in my little red wagon
- Front seat’s broken and the axel’s dragging
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Second verse, same as the first,
- A little bit louder and a little bit worse!
- You can’t ride in my little red wagon
- Front seat’s broken and the axel’s dragging
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Third verse, same as the first,
- But a whole lot louder and a whole lot worse!
- You can’t ride in my little red wagon
- Front seat’s broken and the axel’s dragging
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Fourth verse, it doesn’t exist,
- But if it did it would sound like this!
- You can’t ride in my radio flya
- Back seat’s broken from the amplifier.
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Fifth verse, it doesn’t exist,
- But if it did it would sound like this!
- You can’t ride in my Lamborghini
- Your butt’s too big and the seat’s too teeny.
- Back seat’s broken from the amplifier.
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Sixth verse, it doesn’t exist,
- But if it did it would sound like this!
- You can’t ride in my little red dragon
- the flame is broken and the tail is saggin’.
- Back seat’s broken from the amplifier.
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Chuga! Chuga! Chuga-chuga-chuga!
- Sixth verse, it doesn’t exist,
- But coming soon is the new remix!
Like all songs listed, I highly encourage you to put your own spin on the lyrics and get creative! Also, Little Red Wagon can help build comradery among Scouts, as it’s a blast to sing all together. Encourage as many Scouts as possible to participate, and try to get as loud as you can during a Jamboree!
Peel Banana
Peel Banana is a classic song that was definitely a favorite of my troop. This is a pretty easy song to sing and remember since the lyrics don’t change much. For younger Scouts, this can be a great introduction to Scout songs since it’s fun and easy.
Peel Banana – Camp Song Lyrics
- First you peel banana
- Peel, peel banana
Yeah you peel banana
Peel, peel banana
- Peel, peel banana
- Then you slice banana
- (Repeat next 3 lines for all food verbs)
- Then you eat bananas
- Then you go bananas!
- First you plant potato
- Plant, plant potatoes
Yeah you plant potatoes
Plant, plant potatoes
- Plant, plant potatoes
- Then you farm potatoes
- Then you peel potatoes
- Then you mash potatoes
- First you plant the corn
- Plant, plant some corn
Yeah you plant some corn
Plant, plant some corn
- Plant, plant some corn
- Then you pick the corn
- Then you shuck the corn
- Then you pop some corn
There are a lot more fruits and veggies to include in this song, so below is a great (and hilarious!) video (2:12) demonstrating the body movements for this song if you decide to do it in skit form. Like with all Scout songs, try to improvise, come up with your own lyrics, and have a blast!
If you get everyone in your patrol or troop to chant along, this song goes HARD! Below is a great video (2:18) of how much fun the Peel Banana song is to perform if you really let loose and enjoy yourselves:
To get others to participate, go around and ask your fellow Scouts to join in on a song or cheer. You can even start this song yourself, and others will join in since it’s such an easy tune to keep. As with any Scout Song though, make sure you’re saving it for an appropriate time and place (like not during flag ceremony 😛 ).
Boom Chicka Boom
Boom Chicka Boom is a song we sang a lot in my troop. This one can also have a lot of improvisation so it’s fantastic for Scouts who are feeling a little more creative. Boom Chicka Boom requires a Scout to play a character for certain verses between every Scout singing it together.
Boom Chicka Boom – Camp Song Lyrics
- I said a Boom Chicka Boom
- I said a Boom Chicka Boom
- I said a Boom Chicka Rocka Chicka Rocka Chicka Boom
- Uh huh
- Oh yeah
- One more time, ______ style.
Try to sing the lyrics in a different way each time and include motions so that you match each individual style! Below are a few styles you could consider trying out.
- Valley Girl: I said like a boom chicka boom
- Opera: I said a laaaa chicka laaaaa…
- Robot: I said a beep boop chicka beep boop…
- Fast: I said a fast chicka fast…
- Slow: I said a slow chicka slow…
- Mouse: I said a squeak chicka squeak…
- Baby: I said a goo goo chicka goo goo…
- Cheerleader: I said a cheer chicka cheer…
- Funky: I said a groove chicka groove…
- Bird: I said a tweet chicka tweet…
- Pirate: I said an arrr chicka arrr…
I challenge you to make up a few “styles” of your own and even come up with body motions to make your performance even better. You can even change up all the words if you get the rhyming right. Below are a few more styles my troop liked, with all the words changed up:
McDonald’s Style:
- I said a Big Mac and Fries
- I said a Big Mac and Fries
- I said a Big Mac and Fries and dont forget to Super Size.
Or Racecar style:
- I said a vroom shifta vroom
- I said a vroom shifta vroom
- I said a vroom shifta grind-a shifta grind-a shifta vroom
Definitely try and be creative with this one and give everyone a chance to contribute. Troop events are always more fun when everyone is included and having a grand time! To wrap up this fun song, all you need to say is “Uh huh, oh yeah, no more times.”
The Donut Shop
The Donut Shop song is another quick sound-off you can do with your patrol or troop to get everyone paying attention. This is a repeat-after-me song that could incorporate some body movements, so consider trying this song out as an opener to a Scout skit or some other performance!
The Donut Shop – Camp Song Lyrics
- Well, I walked around the corner
- and I walked around the block,
- And I walked right into a donut shop.
- And I picked up a donut,
- and I licked off the grease,
- and I handed the lady a 5-cent piece.
- Well, she looked at the nickel,
- and she looked at me.
- she said, “This nickel isn’t good to me,
- It’s got a hole in the middle,
- And it goes right through!”
- I said, “There’s a hole in my donut too!”
- Thanks for the donut, so long!
Like most of the other songs covered, try to experiment with different styles, or use the tune to make something new entirely! By getting familiar with a number of camp songs, you’ll be able to ad-lib more easily and maybe even one day create a legendary Scout song of your own! 😀
I Am Thankful To Be An American – Bonus Scout Song
Scouting has always been closely associated with patriotism. In fact, Scouts BSA is one of a few organizations able to retire a flag, in my troop we always said the Pledge of Allegiance during meetings, and Eagle Scouts even get rank benefits when enlisting in the US military!
So, as a bonus and ode to Scouting’s connections to our great country, I think it’s only fitting to end this list with something patriotic. Every Scouting event will likely have some sort of patriotic song included, so I am Thankful To Be An American is a short and sweet song to add to your list!
- I am thankful to be an American,
- To live in the greatest land of all.
- In a nation blessed, it’s the very best,
- I can stand with my head up tall.
- I am thankful to be an American,
- To be born in a land that’s free.
- I am thankful to God for allowing me to be,
- An American. (Repeat x2)
If you’re looking to have a patriotic night or get some Scouts introduced to one of Scouting’s oldest songs, I Am Thankful To Be An American is a perfect choice. Encourage leaders to be involved in this song as well, since they’ll probably already know the words!
Singing songs together with your troop is one of the most memorable parts of Scouting. Make sure to cherish these memories and try to make as many as possible by starting up your own songs from time to time! If you let yourself look silly and have fun, your positive energy will be contagious. 😀
Also, since you’ve done well to make it this far, I wanted to share with you one final song that has a lot of meaning to me personally, Scout Vespers. You may already sing this in your troop, but if you don’t you definitely should. Its such an important song to Scouting that I even wrote a full article on how to sing it. Make sure to check that out to hear my favorite Scouting song ever!
Thanks for reading, and for improving your community through Scouting! If you enjoyed learning about our favorite Scout songs, I’d highly recommend also checking out any of the following resources if they spark your interest:
- Cole’s Epic Ebook The 7 Secrets for Scouting Success 📖 (discount included!)
- 67 Epic Scouting Quotes To Keep Scouts Prepared And Inspired
- 99 Epic BSA Activities: Scouts Share Their Favorite Troop Adventures
- Scout Camp Planning Guide: Schedules, Activities, And Gear
- The Camping Packing List: A Scout’s Trek Gear Checklist
That’s all for now! Come back to ScoutSmarts soon and, until next time, I’m wishing you the best of luck on your Scouting adventures! 🙂