Scoutmasters, adult volunteers, and committee members are the backbone of any Boy Scout troop. These individuals dedicate their time and energy towards creating great Scouting experiences for...
Category: Eagle Scout And Beyond
How To Choose The Right Footwear For Scouting: A Simple Guide
With so many different types of hiking footwear out there, picking out the right pair of shoes for Scouting can be a challenge. Are you looking for arch support? How about a breathable fit? Or...
Eagle Scout Court of Honor Gifts in 2024 (Plus, what NOT to get)
An Eagle Court of Honor is held to celebrate the achievements of an individual who's reached the pinnacle of Scouting and attained the final rank of Eagle. Plus, it's also a fun time! :) If...
It's a fact that Scouting has had a massive impact on many young people’s lives, myself included! If you’re one of the rare individuals who’d like to give back to Scouting, even after...
Want to know the best method for having an amazing time in Scouting and getting the most out of your experiences? It all comes down to being prepared and learning from others! As an Eagle Scout...
An Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony is one of the most important milestones in a scout's journey, so it's only natural that you'd want to hold an amazing event. Whether you're a Scoutmaster,...