Recruiting Cub Scouts and families is a popular topic (be sure to check out our helpful guide to pack recruiting :D ) but even the best recruitment doesn't do much good if those new Scouts only...
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Smart Pack Budgeting: A Step-by-Step Guide for Cub Scout Leaders
Running a successful pack budget is just like running one for your household. You need to understand all of your expenses and income and ensure you're not spending more than you're taking in....
How To Welcome New Families To Your Cub Scout Pack: A Complete Guide
Welcoming new families the right way can do a whole lot to strengthen your Cub Scout pack. Think about any clubs or organizations you’ve joined over your lifetime. Did you immediately feel...
If you have a special Cub Scout in your life with an event or celebration coming up, getting them the perfect gift is probably top-of-mind. Well, I’ve got great news for you! Whether you’re...
One classic but often overlooked part of the Scouting experience are songs and chants! Who doesn't want to strike up a tune alongside friends seated around the campfire? On top of being fun,...
7 Essential Resources for Cub Scout Leaders: A Full Training Guide
Whether you’re a new Cub Scout leader or an experienced one, Scouts BSA offers plenty of useful training resources for Cub Scouting and beyond. 😀 These resources aren't always well-known, but...