Are you in the running to become your troop's next senior patrol leader? If so, a senior patrol leader election is the only barrier separating you from eternal glory! Today, I'll be sharing some...
Posts by Cole
Tenderfoot Rank Requirement Answers: A Scout’s Guide In 2024
If you're working on earning your Tenderfoot rank, you’re in the right place! In this guide, I’ll be teaching you all the info you’ll need to answer each of the BSA’s Tenderfoot...
How To Hold A Successful Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) Election
Senior Patrol Leader elections are one of the most important aspects of Scouting! Typically, your elected SPL will hold the position for at least 6 months, so it's crucial that your troop use a...
When I first joined Scouting, smartphones had just started to become the new thing. My phone at that time was actually a flip phone and didn’t even come with a camera! Now, more than 10 years...
What’s An Eagle Project Coach: Facts, Myths, And Official Info
Most Eagle Scout service projects wouldn't succeed without the aid of an Eagle Project Coach. In fact, I can tell you firsthand that when planning my own Eagle Project, I was asking myself,...
Quick! You’re on a 10-mile hike and one of the younger Scouts has just collapsed and appears unresponsive. What do you do? Luckily, once you have the Eagle-required, First Aid merit badge,...