Den duties allow Cub Scouts to help out their den leaders and take pride in doing their part. That’s why Den leaders often keep track of Cubs’ responsibilities through a den duty chart, ensuring everyone shares the tasks! In this article, I’ll go through the steps to make a den job chart and discuss why it’s essential for every Cub Scout den.
What is a Cub Scout Den Duty Chart? A Den Duty Chart, also called a Den Job chart, is a tool used by Den leaders to assign and track responsibilities among Cub Scouts. It ensures the fair sharing of tasks and promotes participation. The chart lists den duties like setting up, reciting pledges, and cleaning up, and is displayed in the meeting area for easy reference.
PS. This article is a guest post collaboration with Eagle Scout and AOL recipient, Jonathan K🙂
Below is a quick summary of the steps that should be taken to create a Cub Scout den duty chart. Don’t worry though, I’ll be going into far more detail throughout the article, and even sharing some helpful examples, so you can create an effective customized job chart for your own Cub Scout den!
The 6 Steps To Make A Den Duty Chart
- Make a List of Duties: Before you make the chart, you need to know what duties will be on it!
- Assign Responsibilities: Decide how duties will be assigned. Some dens rotate through alphabetical order, while others have a rotation of each duty.
- Create the Chart: How will your den make the chart? What works for one den may not work for yours!
- Display and Update: Make sure it’s visible in the meeting space and decide on how it will be updated.
- Encourage Accountability: Make sure the Scouts are active participants and take pride in their work!
- Review and Adjust: If something isn’t working — and at first, there will probably be something that needs to be adjusted! — change it until it works for your den.
Feel free to use each of the above links to jump straight into whatever section most interests you. Or, read the whole article and become a Den duty planning pro! Soon, I’ll guide you through the nuances of each step for planning your duty chart. First up, let’s discuss what some of the duties of your Cub Scouts could actually be!
Make a List of Den Jobs and Duties
The very first step to making a den job chart is figuring out exactly what the duties are going to be! Every den is different. Start by thinking about how your den starts each meeting — is there setup that needs to be done? Do you recite the Scout Oath and the Scout Law before each meeting? (the links are to articles on why you should!)
Here are some examples of duties you can use:
- Set up chairs and tables
- Take attendance
- Participate in the Flag Ceremony
- Give the Pledge of Allegiance
- Recite the Scout Oath
- Recite the Scout Law
- Serve snacks
- Clean up
The number of den duties will depend on how many Scouts are a part of the den. Smaller dens can combine duties, such as the Oath, Law, and Pledge of Allegiance, while larger ones can have different Scouts in charge of each task. Reflect on how your den meetings are run, and you’ll be able to come up with your own list! 😀
Assign Den Duties and Responsibilities
Before you create your chart, you need to know how you’ll assign each responsibility. I suggest starting alphabetically. Then, rotate the Cubs up or down the chart each meeting so they have the chance to participate in each duty. You can also start by randomly assigning duties, and then rotate from there!
When handing out den duties, however, keep in mind the capabilities of each individual Cub Scout. Make sure the den duties are age-appropriate, and keep in mind any accommodations that may be needed. Scouts should complete each task to the best of their ability, but den leaders should set them up to succeed!
To advance up the Cub Scouting ranks, Scouts must do things like participate in flag ceremonies, speak before their dens, and complete requirements for their adventures.
Try to assign Cubs den duties that help to fulfill their requirements! To see what’s required, when, you can check out the article that’s linked.
Create the Den Job Chart
You may choose to create a colorful, fancy chart, or you may want something more streamlined. Really, anything is possible and it all depends on your den and preferences. Below are a few examples of different den duty chart designs you can use, from the simple to the complex!
A basic table like this can be created on any word or spreadsheet processor:
Meeting Date | 1/10 | 1/17 | 1/24 |
Set Up | Bobby | Serena | Maya |
Pledge of Allegiance | Ernesto | Bobby | Serena |
Serve Snack | Maya | Ernesto | Bobby |
Clean Up | Serena | Maya | Ernesto |
If you want some added flair, check out this colorful design shared on Pinterest:
Here’s a design that’s perfect for a whiteboard, submitted by Lindsay Hansen on Pinterest:
Here’s a long-term chart design, also shared on Pinterest by Cub Scout mom Jennifer Schulenberg:
There’s an infinite number of possible den duty chart designs, but I hope these examples help you to start brainstorming! Remember, if you start with one design and it doesn’t quite work for you, you can always change to another. It’s important to be prepared, but being flexible is just as important for a den leader! 😉
Display and Update Your Den Duty chart
Once the den duties are decided, assigned, and written down, it’s time to display them at every den meeting! When I was a den leader, I liked to use a whiteboard. This allowed for easy adjustments in case a Scout was absent from a meeting. Plus, having everything clearly visible helped the Cubs know exactly what to expect!
How the den job chart is displayed will be different for each den based on their meeting location. Some meeting areas may have large whiteboards already, while others may be set up with a digital Smartboard. If you have neither, you might decide to bring in a large easel and a poster each week! 🙂
Encourage Den Job Accountability
Most Cub Scouts will want to help out and take pride in their den duties. Having an active role doesn’t just benefit the Scouts’ development — it also makes meetings more fun! Of course, make sure the den duties are age-appropriate to keep Scouts engaged and confident.
One thing you should not do is offer a reward, such as an extra snack, for den duties. These tasks are just part of being a Cub Scout, and completing them is not going above and beyond! Treat the duties as something that is normal and expected of all Scouts.
Along the same lines, do not make den duties into a punishment! For example, if a Scout isn’t saying much in meetings, don’t assign the Pledge of Allegiance as a punishment. Instead, coach them through it so they can practice speaking up. Don’t treat any duty as something that no Scout wants to do!
Review and Adjust Den Duties
Once you have the den duty chart created, the rotation is settled, and it’s being displayed at every meeting, the job is still not done! Nothing is ever perfect, and a den job chart is no exception. When you first demonstrate the chart to Cub Scouts, you (or they!) may notice something you overlooked.
As the year goes on, you may find there are additional duties to add, or some that aren’t needed anymore. It’s also possible you’ll catch a few spelling mistakes, and that’s not a big deal — pobody’s nerfect! 😛 Simply make the changes, and bring the new chart to the next meeting. Remember, always be trying to improve things!
Conclusion – The Importance of a Den Duty Chart
As I hope you can tell from this article, adding a den job chart to your meetings can make a big impact. Completing tasks can boost Cub Scouts’ self-esteem, and it gives them an opportunity to show their helpful Scouting spirit! All Scouts are role models for their peers, and they will encourage each other by taking an active role in den meetings.
If you’ve never done a den duty chart, it might feel a bit awkward at first. If that’s the case, don’t be discouraged — after a few meetings, it will just be part of your regular routine. This simple change will help you feel more organized, ensure that Scouts know what to do each week, and give everyone a turn to participate!
I really hope this article helps you to have even more organized and fun den meetings! If you’re a part of Cub Scouting and are working to make things even better for yourself and your pack, be sure to check out any of the following articles if they spark your interest:
- How To Plan A Cub Scout Den Meeting: 6 Steps For Success
- Supporting Your Child In Cub Scouting: A Parent’s Guide
- 7 Tips For Balancing Scouting And School
- The 5 Most Popular Cub Scouting Events (And How To Plan Them)
- 10 Unique And Effective Ideas For Recruiting Cub Scouts
That’s all for now! Thanks for stopping by ScoutSmarts. We hope to see you back here again soon and, until next time, we’re wishing you some fantastic den meetings ahead! 😀